Ashley Monroe
Ashley Monroe is a country musician and singer who hails from America. Her debut singles came out in 2007 as well as an album entitled Satisfied. In 2013, she released her second album titled Like a Rose. Ashley Monroe performing Blake SheltonIn 2014, Monroe debuted her debut album The Blade. The album has been a massive hit and earned praise for Monroe. Ashley Monroe works as the Village Manager Assistant in Riverside Illinois. With over 15 years of working experience, she's worked at various levels of public service, which included five years as Iowa City's city manager position as Deputy. Her current responsibilities as the Assistant Village Manager are to oversee the operation of the Community Development and Building Department managing grants, as well as completing specific initiatives. Ashley is in charge of managing the operations and activities of Riverside Village, while also working to implement the vision and strategy for elected officers. Ashley's previous positions included municipal planning, communications for government, budgeting, personnel management as well as collective negotiations. The focus was also on actions to combat climate change. Because of her involvement with local and national organisations as well as her work with communities with diverse populations, Ashley has gained insight into the many complexities and differences with the way public institutions function. Ashley's education focuses on the latest approaches to management and leadership within the public sector, from the perspective of a seasoned professional. Ashley's emphasis on adjusting to changing circumstances and challenges, navigating community and intergovernmental relations, and making ethical decisions will provide a framework for aspiring professional and current employees in public institutions.

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